Standard Terrms & Conditions for booking me

Standard Terms & Conditions By making a booking with Woodland Photography you are deemed to have accepted the Standard Terms & Conditions as follows: -




1) You agree that Copyright remains with the Photographer who may exhibit such images (either in digital or print form) for promotional & portfolio purposes as he sees fit. Any other use that may arise is subject to separate agreement. Any prints that are provided by the Photographer to you are for personal & private exhibition only to which a fee is not to be charged.



2) You certify by making a booking in writing that you are at least 18 years of age & give your consent to being photographed as agreed in writing. If the subject is children then a Parent or Guardian must book & is also deemed to have given their consent to their child or children being photographed.




3) Once fees have been paid as per the contract all financial claims & liabilities between the Photographer & you the Client who made the booking cease.




4) Daily Rate & any other fees listed may change at any time, the actual rate charged will be that written into the agreed contract on the date of booking.




5) Suitable contact details must be provided, an email address is normally sufficient for communication to take place between the Photographer & the Client for the successful conclusion of a written agreed contract. For prints that are required a delivery address is needed. For business purposes you the Client also agree to me keeping contact & contract details in case of repeat business & for legal, promotional & portfolio purposes. Data protection applies so if you the Client does not want their contact details kept simply contact me (again email is sufficient) & I will delete them.




6) It is not my practice to supply copies of the digital image but prints only.




7) While every effort is made to complete a written agreed contract both the Photographer & Client recognise that circumstances beyond either parties control do arise. While timely if possible communication is helpful & equal effort shall be made to reschedule if possible. No liability either financial or contractual exists in such circumstances should either party be unable to complete their contract.




8) Suitable methods of payment for my invoice are cash or cheque. All payments to be settled promptly on presentation of written invoice at completion of contract.